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Productpine impact

Transforming organic waste into biochar.

Bussme Energy project in Sweden

When you shop at Productpine, you can consider yourself an impact shopper. By ordering your home favorites from Productpine from now on, you directly contribute to certified climate projects worldwide. We are very happy to tell you more about this, so that you can continue to make the better choice in the future. We know: shopping is not the most sustainable activity there is. But by choosing the new way of shopping, we are getting closer to a healthier e-commerce together.

While ordering from Productpine, you can choose a climate project you want to support at checkout. Roughly speaking, you choose from 3 themes: wood, waste processing and biochar. As there are quite a few nuances in these, we will explain more about every single project.

Here, we're spotlighting the Bussme Energy project in Sweden.

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Transforming organic waste into captivating biochar in Sweden

The Bussme Energy project in southern Sweden is an innovative company that converts organic waste into the product biochar. In this way, they play a crucial role in the fight against climate change. But what exactly is biochar? Biochar is produced by heating organic material such as wood, garden waste and other waste to very high temperatures (300-1000°C) without oxygen, in a process called ‘pyrolysis’. This is a process in which volatile substances such as methane and carbon monoxide are released, while the remaining material is converted into charcoal. Thus, biochar or biocoal.

Biochar can be applied in a variety of ways. Ranging from soil improvement to a filter material and even as a carbon store. When biochar is added to farmland, it can improve soil fertility. It works particularly well in warm climates and soils with low pH. It can also ultimately increase crop yields and protect them from certain diseases.

What makes biochar so effective is its high porosity. This means that biochar contains all kinds of small openings that make it able to retain water. This, in turn, stimulates plant growth and micro-organisms in the soil. Moreover, biochar is extremely stable. That means it retains its carbon content for thousands of years. And this makes it an effective means of storing carbon from the atmosphere to combat global warming.

Thus, the Bussme project processes organic waste into biochar, which not only reduces climate impact, but also creates valuable resources for sustainable soil management. By investing in this beautiful project, we are joining you in contributing to a healthier planet for future generations.

Extra info at a glance

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

  • 2 > Zero hunger
  • 13 > Climate action

Executed by


Type of project


Time span of support

April 2023 until December 2023

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