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The Restoration of 't Zandduin Nature Reserve project aims to restore an 1.8-hectare meadow in the municipality of Doetinchem, located in the De Wrange forest area. This region holds significant ecological value and is part of the Gelderland Nature Network. 't Zandduin is a historic river dune and sand deposit area that lost its natural shape due to agricultural practices.
Since 2023, Stichting Buur maakt Natuur has been working on obtaining the necessary approvals and plans to redesign the area as a nature reserve. The restoration plan includes planting 2200 trees and 500 shrubs in the autumn of 2024, along with the creation of a natural pond and grasslands. These efforts will create habitats for various plant and animal species.
Volunteers and experts in ecology and hydrology are collaborating to restore the land’s original contours, including the elevation differences. This project contributes to increased biodiversity and the restoration of valuable natural areas in the Netherlands.
The 't Zandduin nature reserve is located within a European protected area and is part of the Gelderland Nature Network. This project is crucial because it not only helps preserve rare natural habitats but also expands the network of nature reserves in the Netherlands, as required by European guidelines.
Restoring this area will expand important ecological corridors, enhancing access to a nearby wildlife bridge. This promotes the spread of animal and plant species and strengthens biodiversity in the region. Additionally, it creates a healthier environment, contributes to climate change mitigation, and offers new recreational opportunities for the local community.
The restoration plan for 't Zandduin will be carried out with the help of local volunteers and experts. Groundwork will begin in spring 2024, focusing on restoring the natural topography of the area. Ecohydrology experts will conduct soil surveys to determine the original condition of the land. Soil from the planned pond will be used to recreate the original elevation differences of the terrain.
Once this phase is complete, volunteers will start planting 2200 trees and 500 shrubs in autumn 2024. The project is overseen by ecologists and hydrologists to ensure the land is restored in a sustainable and ecologically responsible way. The project is expected to be completed by April 2025.
Founded in 2012, Stichting Buur maakt Natuur works to develop new nature areas in the Netherlands, primarily in the municipality of Doetinchem. Their mission is to create and manage nature reserves with the help of volunteers, aiming to increase biodiversity in these areas and involve local residents in their preservation. Buur maakt Natuur is recognized as a non-profit (ANBI) organization and is supported by donations and gifts. The ‘t Zandduin project is a key part of their broader efforts to strengthen nature in the Netherlands.
These projects contribute to the achievement of several Sustainable Development Goals.
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