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Productpine impact

Miro project in Boumfoum, Chirimfa & Awura

Reforestation in Ghana

An especially nice thing about ordering from Productpine is that - besides finding your new favourites for your home - you can choose a project you can invest in for free with your purchase. We take care of these costs, which consist of 1.5% of your total order value. In other words: 1.5% of our total turnover.

You choose a project from 3 different themes when you checkout your order. Simply put: wood, waste processing and biocoal. But there are many nuances here that we are happy to tell you about. Every year, together with our climate consultant South Pole, we choose our project portfolio and retain or change the projects based on the impact we can make with our financial support.

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Starring this time the Miro project in Ghana.

Miro project in Ghana

West Africa has lost almost 90% of its forests in a relatively short period of time. In Ghana, the rapid deforestation has been caused by increasing international interest in the forests, where various commodities can be found. Partly because of this, but also because of large bushfires, unsustainable agriculture and logging, a huge proportion of Ghana's forests have disappeared. As a result: ecological as well as social problems.

The Miro project is active in several areas in Ghana, specifically in the forest reserves of Boumfoum, Chirimfa and Awura. Here, replanting takes place at a rapid pace with a planning: 1,500 hectares of new forest per year, for a period of 6 years. For these forests, tree species have been carefully selected for their sustainable nature. Namely eucalyptus, teak and acacia. The Miro project also works with local farmers to apply new afforestation techniques to Ghana's forests. This way, healthy soils are preserved and crops growing on them can be maintained for years.

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For the trees to grow, patience is a necessity, but planting the forests in Boumfoum, Chirimfa and Awura reserves will eventually remove harmful greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. At the same time, the Miro project creates a sustainable timber supply chain with greater financial security for surrounding communities that own the ground. Through the collaboration, they in turn have access to new educational and employment opportunities.

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We work with many more great projects worldwide to make positive impact. Important here is that the projects work on both environmental improvement and also support the people in that area. Wondering which other projects you can support? Be sure to check them out here!

Extra info at a glance

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

  • 4 > Quality education
  • 8 > Decent work and economic growth
  • 13 > Climate action
  • 15 > Life on land

Executed by

Miro Forestry Developments Limited


Type project

Afforestation, Reforestation Revegetation (ARR)

Time period of support

April 2023 until December 2023

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