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Capturing & recycling harmful emissions
When you shop at Productpine, you can consider yourself an impact shopper. By ordering your home favorites from Productpine from now on, you directly contribute to certified climate projects worldwide. We are very happy to tell you more about this, so that you can continue to make the better choice in the future. We know: shopping is not the most sustainable activity there is. But by choosing the new way of shopping, we are getting closer to a healthier e-commerce together.
While ordering from Productpine, you can choose a climate project you want to support at checkout. Roughly speaking, you choose from 3 themes: wood, waste processing and biochar. As there are quite a few nuances in these, we will explain more about every single project.
Here, we're spotlighting the project in Nongyai, Thailand.
Nongyai is a town in the Chonburi province which is located in central Thailand. A location where wastewater is processed because it contains methane. Above at the waste project in Xiangtan, we already told you about methane: a harmful greenhouse gas that is even stronger than carbon dioxide (CO2). Methane is also found in wastewater and when stored in large, open-air basins, the methane enters the atmosphere as toxic biogas.
They do things better in Nongyai! There, they came up with this sustainable development in which we as Productpine are investing. In fact, the project works to capture the toxic biogas to reuse it as an energy source. Surrounding the project are a starch factory, sweetener factory and ethanol factory (ethanol is the transparent liquid we know as alcohol). The biogas emitted by these factories is captured by the project in Nongyai and reused as an energy source: namely as a circular fuel in boilers and steam boilers to produce electricity and heat. A nice improvement compared to the biomass (plant and animal material that serves as a resource) and coal used before.
The work being done at this project in Thailand will have a positive impact, both on reducing greenhouse gases and on the future prospects of local communities. These sustainable developments are very beneficial for the region, as local companies are hired to work on this construction, the operation and maintenance of the plant at the project. The use of biogas to generate power from it, reduces the dependence for Thailand. Because they were importing energy products at first. Therefore, more energy security for Thailand!
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