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Building up degraded land by teak trees

Reforestation with Teak

An especially nice thing about ordering from Productpine is that - besides finding your new favourites for your home - you can choose a project you can invest in for free with your purchase. We take care of these costs, which consist of 1.5% of your total order value. In other words: 1.5% of our total turnover.

You choose a project from 3 different themes when you checkout your order. Simply put: wood, waste processing and biocoal. But there are many nuances here that we are happy to tell you about. Every year we choose our project portfolio and retain or change the projects based on the impact we can make with our financial support.

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Starring this time the Teak Reforestation project in Mexico.

Reforestation at Teak Mexico

This wood project combines the restoration of a huge area of land together with the safe and legal employment - in the Tabasco, Chiapas and Campeche states. In rural Mexico, and mainly in the south, employment is often informal, insecure and tends to rely heavily on the agricultural sector. However, the quality of soil and land has suffered enormously due to large-scale cattle ranching. Areas of forest have been cut down and with it, wildlife habitat has also been reduced or even disappeared.

The Teak Mexico project aims to restore the land and create stable employment - in accordance with the law - in order to improve the long-term prosperity and living conditions of people living in this region.

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The project works on the sustainable growth of teak trees on degraded land in the above-mentioned states, in southern Mexico. On the one hand, the project focuses on developing sustainable plantations where teak trees are planted. Teak is a popular wood species because of its durable nature and water resistance. On the other hand, a lot is also left to nature, to allow wildlife and biodiversity to return naturally.

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Today, quite a bit of economic development has already been driven and around 400 jobs have already been created at this project. The people working on the project are also trained in forest management. The teak trees which are planted do not only trap carbon dioxide (CO2) - which helps reduce global warming - but also improve biodiversity, the soil quality and water conservation.

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