Best price, better world

Free shipping from € 20

Delivery: 1-2 business days

Productpine impact

Shipping & delivery

Shipping costs

Information about shipping and shipping costs for the Netherlands and Belgium:

Orders from €20,-
Gift wrapping and additional delivery options do not count towards the total amount
Free shipping
Orders less than € 20,-
Delivery by brand
€ 2,99
Orders less than € 20,-
Delivery by Productpine
€ 2,99

Information about shipping and shipping costs outside the Netherlands and Belgium:

Orders from €20,-
Gift wrapping and additional delivery options do not count towards the total amount
€ 4,99 - € 20,99
Orders less than €20,-
Delivery by brand
€ 4,99 - € 20,99
Orders less than €20,-
Delivery by Productpine
€ 4,99 - € 20,99

What is the delivery time?

The delivery time for most orders with Productpine is usually 1 working day. When placing your order and in your order confirmation you will see the expected delivery time - this depends on the type of item and the shipping method. As soon as your order has been shipped you will receive a confirmation with a Track & Trace code, with which you can track the shipment.

Log in
to track your package

If (part of) your order consists of brand items, you will receive these in a separate delivery that is sent directly from the brand. This may mean that the delivery time of these brand items differs from the delivery time of the Productpine items.

Should the package have been delivered already?

Check the status of the item with the track & trace number.

No Track & Trace?

Login on your account, the order should contain a Track & Trace code. If there is no Track & Trace code, please contact our customer service.

Chat via WhatsApp or send us an email.

Your whole order in one box?

Orders from brands come from other distribution centers and can therefore be in several boxes, we try to send as many items as possible in 1 x to reduce our ecological impact.

How can I track my order?

You can easily view the status of your order in your account. You can also find a link to your Track & Trace here or in your shipping confirmation email.

What happens to my order if I am not at home?

If you're not at home at the time of delivery, the courier will try to reach you to arrange a new attempt or leave a note at your door with more information.

Can I have my order delivered to another address?

If the order has not yet been shipped, you can still change it. See your account for more options.

Are you stuck? Please contact us.

Chat via WhatsApp or send us an email.

Unexpectedly received a package

Did you receive something when you did not order? Then there could be several things going on:

Not addressed to you?

Please contact us. Chat via WhatsApp or send us an email.

Addressed to you, without payment instructions?

Please contact us. Chat via WhatsApp or send us an email.

Addressed to you, with payment instructions?

Please contact us. Chat via WhatsApp or send us an email.

Pick up

You can only pick up your package at our Experience Center at Rokin 58 in Amsterdam. This does not apply to all products. See the delivery options within the checkout.


Choose for pick up

During checkout, you can choose to pick up your package. You can pick up the package in our Experience Center


Wait for the confirmation mail

We will email you when your order is ready in our Experience Center


Bring an ID with you

Pick up your package. Make sure you have your proof of identity with you, otherwise the employee will not be able to provide it. The maximum retention period is stated in the email

Pick up package not available?

Empty your shopping cart and refresh the website. And try again. Does this not work? Try it with another article. If this is successful, we may no longer have stock available. Not all of our products are available for pickup, see the delivery options within the checkout

Have someone else pick it up?

If the order has been picked up. Please contact us. Chat via WhatsApp or send us an email.

Too late to pick up your package?

After 14 days of having reserved the product, we will cancel the order. If you are late with pick up, we will refund the money. If you want us to reserve the product for you for longer, please contact us, or order it at a later time.

Are you looking for more information?

Looking for answers?

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