MOFT TabletStand |MOFT|



To continue the original MOFT’s philosophy of "A good design is invisible", we're proud to introduce the most adjustable stand for tablets. Tablets are only one-step away from being a 2nd screen for laptops --- a right angle. Nobody wants to look back and forth for different tasks. TabletStand |MOFT| offers up to 6 angles that nobody can refuse to work with. Browsing, sketching, reading... We save the possibilities to you to find out, all you need to know is, they work. Whether in portrait mode or landscape mode, you would always get three angles to get the perfect viewing experience. With the help of different device position, number is cheap, content is gold. 

Specifications Dimensions   21 x 15 x 0.37cm Thickness  0.5cm Weight   137g Material   PU, Fiber Glass, Removable Glue Angles   Landscape: 25°/40°/ 60°

 Portrait: 30°/40°/ 60°

Compatibility   Tablets with screen of 9.7" - 13"

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