Seemy Blue Light Glasses Tortoise


Discover the comfort of Seemy blue light glasses in a digital world. We live in a digital world where we wake up with our phone, switch to the laptop for work, and end the day again with our phone or in front of the TV before bed. On average we spend more than 9 hours behind digital screens, this is not what our eyes are made for. Digital screens emit blue light and exposure to this light can cause adverse health effects. Adverse effects include: dehydrated eyes, insomnia, headaches and loss of concentration.

The Seemy blue light glasses are developed to increase comfort in a digital world and are designed with comfort and quality in mind.

The Seemy blue light glasses are protecting your eyes from the blue light of digital devices. The biggest benefits of this are:

- Improve your sleep

- Fewer headaches

- Better concentration

- Less dry & irritated eyes

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