Culvita - Cacaodoppen 70 L - Cacao geurende bodembedekker - Biologische schorsvervanger


The perfect substitute for tree bark.

Cocoa shells are an ideal ground cover with a pleasant smell! Suitable for almost all crops and any soil type. What it is suitable for: Cocoa pods can be used as ground cover under and around plantings. What it is not suitable for: This product is not suitable for use on paths and playgrounds. Properties:
Cocoa shells are extracted from cocoa beans. Good smelling, shön brown and a natural product.


First remove the weeds from the bed. Then sprinkle the Culvita Cocoa shells between the plants, 3 to 5 cm is sufficient. Prevent the Culvita Cocoa shells from blowing away by sprinkling them with water. Culvita cocoa shells are a natural dry product. After sprinkling with water, mould develops. This is part of the process and will disappear after some time. Burnt cocoa shells are a natural soil conditioner that improves the top layer of the soil. Can be used and applied all year round. It also keeps cats and slugs away and prevents the growth of weeds, provided they have been properly removed before applying the cocoa shells. Prevents the soil from drying out quickly during dry periods and has a similar nutritional value to manure. The remaining cocoa shells are fleshy humus that permanently improves the structure and quality of the topsoil. When ¨winterising the garden, the old layer of Culvita cocoa shells can be raked under. It has a positive effect on the humus effect of the soil. And in spring you can apply another layer of Cocoa Shells.

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