Earthy Pine Cone, Corn, Coco Cap & Mixed Herbs Potpourri (200g pack)


Peace of mind, soul, body; with a dash of peace for your nose! Aromatherapy is practiced worldwide for its benefits of inducing calmness, tranquility, contentment along with creating a hospitable ambience that harbours only positive thoughts. Embodying all of the above is this potpourri pack that is made by the artisanal experts in India and brought to you by . The potpourri, made using dried flowers, herbs and natural fragrance, inspires a unison between recreation and catharsis to wow you with an overall therapeutic experience. Color : Beige. Production Method : Handmade. Material Description : Pine Cone, Corn, Coco Cap, Mixed Dried Herbs. Weight : 178 grams. Care Description : Avoid contact with water or moisture. Disclaimer : Every handmade product is unique. Minor variations in pattern, color and appearance are a part of the handmade charm. Pack Contents : Pack of 200 gms Potpourri.

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