EMKO Multifunctional Cabinet Pill No / Black/Blue


by Dalius Razauskas

The Multifunctional Pill works great in the treatment against clutter and messy environments. It is a round cabinet that is fixed to a wall and can instantly transform into a fully-functional working place, dressing table, even a bar! 

 Attach it at standard table height, a bit higher or a bit lower – it’s your choice. The shelving system inside is designed with the idea to allow the user to change and adapt it easily: it can fit a laptop, standard files, catalogues, books or any other personal belongings. Furthermore, the Pill comes equipped with sockets and the option of integrating LED lights. The materials and the fittings used in the manufacturing provide a reliable desk transformation and tabletop stability. The Pill perfectly suits every kind of interior, enabling you to have a hidden space for your items.

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